It's Time For Me To Move On
I have written many children's books. I enjoyed writing the first two.
The others, I wrote to make sure my system worked. Now, I'm over it.
Actually, let me take that back. I have one more children's book left in me. It's the one I'm writing right now.
At the beginning of this year, I decided to write 12 children's books. I made this decision because a) it would be a good way to market my course on how to write a children's book, b) it would be an excellent exercise and make my skills stronger, and c) it would give me 12 writing projects to work on next year.
The book I'm writing currently is important to me. It's a story of wanted to write for a long time, and I genuinely cannot wait to release it sometime next year. It will, however, most likely be my last children's book.
I got really good at the system of writing children's books. I think writing children's books is important work. That being said, I have written the books that I wanted to write, and now I think it's your turn.
I have my How to Write a Children's Book in 7 Days or Less course listed on Udemy and Skillshare. It will stay there until these platforms remove them. This and all of my original courses will be available in the Curious Writer Bundle on Writers’ Writing Camp, which is a website that I building out to ensure people have access to my writing courses, lectures, and workshops long term.
I'm telling you this, because I am officially backing out of my commitment to write those 12 children's books this year.
I'm feeling called to write other things. I'm feeling like I no longer need to write children's books. So after this last one, I'm calling it. I will have written three or four by the end of this year, and I feel like that's okay.
I'm not a fan of quitting things because they're hard, but I'm not quitting this because it's hard. I'm quitting this because I do not feel like I need to do it anymore.
What does that mean for you if you're in my children's book writing course?
Nothing. You can still take the course. You can still participate in the Facebook group. And, I will still pop into the Facebook group once a month.
I'm still very interested in children's books. I think children's book shape and grow societies in ways that no other literature can.
And, yes, I'm putting that up against religious text as well. You may take your child to Sunday school every single Sunday, but I guarantee you they know everything about Diary of a Wimpy Kid, and they have no idea what's going on in the Book of Revelations.
Before some of you get angry with me and start typing terrible things about how I am disrespecting religion, I'm not. I'm just saying that children learn in different ways.
If you want to really imprint values and move young minds with philosophies, you need to write it in a way that they can understand. Accompany those words with captivating imagery, and watch how quickly they learn.
You don't have to browbeat them with lessons. Just show them an example, and let them figure it out on their own. This will further empower them to craft their own ideas and draw their own conclusions in adulthood.
I know each of you who has a children’s book in you will create something wonderful. It may be a silly work of fiction, a collection of moving poetry, or an educational book to shape young minds.
I look forward to celebrating those children’s books with you.