In July, I did a deep examination of how I have been taking care of myself.
I knew something was off in the self-care department when I came home from vacation and immediately felt like weeping and running away.
After a couple of therapy sessions, I could see that I had let myself go in the personal happiness department. People used to describe me as the “happiest person they know.” I’m not sure anyone would describe me as that now, but I want to get back to that.
To get back on track (balance my hormones and emotions), I’ve started a deep meditation practice again. Currently, I’m meditating 20 minutes a day, but I’m working my way up to two 20 minute sessions.
I am already seeing great improvement in my clarity of desires, creativity, and focus.
I also noticed a profound lack of actual service in my life. Teaching yoga and meditation were my acts of service in the community before I retired last year, but I think it is time for me to continue where I left off. I will be picking up the teaching mat again soon.
If you take nothing else from this personal update, I hope you take this: Meditate.
If only for one minute a day, please meditate. Sit with a word or sentence in your mind that you can repeat for a solid minute. Let your brain rest. You may not be addicted to your phone, television, podcasts, etc. But, you are surrounded by noise all the time. Take charge of one minute a day, and decide what you want to hear and see in your mind’s eye.
What I Read
I love Haruki Murakami. The first book I read by him was What I Talk About When I Talk About Running. This remains my favorite Murakami book as I read it when I was running regularly. Being a running writer puts you in a small club, and it’s delightful to belong to any club of which Murakami is a member.
First Person Singular is classic Murakami writing. The book is shelved in fiction, but is it? Sometimes, the stories feel like narrative non-fiction and sometimes they feel like magical realism.
There is no other experience like reading Murakami. I envy those of you who will read this book for the first time.
Please leave a comment below if you have read or are reading a Murakami book at the moment.
What I Did
I continued my yoga and meditation education by getting certified as a Women’s Health Coach. This is health/wellness certification number 13 or 14 for me.
At this point, I think getting certified in things is a habit, but it brings me a lot of joy. So, I shall carry on!
Favorite Things
Notion - Dang, I really love Notion! It took me three tries to get fall in love, but here I am. Smitten.
Watermelon - I’m pretty sure I’ve eaten my weight in watermelon in the last week.
Learning - It is so nice to be learning new and old things. I love it.