Hello friends,
I don’t know about you all, but it’s been a busy month for me. Between moving, working, and personal projects, I am exhausted!
I took the day off yesterday to watch movies and eat pizza. It was freaking glorious.
📝A List of Interesting Things
🎬Supernatural - Mom and I are into season 10 of Supernatural! I am at once ashamed and proud. If you want to join us, we’re on episode 13.
✍️12 Children’s Books in 12 Months - I’ve extended a 12-month challenge to some of my fellow writers in the How to Write a Children’s Book Author Group.
If all goes well, I and whoever else would like to participate will write 12 total children’s stories this year, putting us all in the perfect position to publish at least one children’s book next year!
It is not too late to join, by the way. You can absolutely join the challenge by either taking the challenge on your own, or joining the course and then the Facebook Group. Details on the course and the group are below.
🎥The Pale Blue Eye - I watched this yesterday, and, wow, is it wonderful! I literally had no idea what I was getting into with this movie. By the end of it, I had gasped, laughed, and cried. What a glorious movie. It’s on Netflix. Give it a watch.
🧅Glass Onion - After you watch The Pale Blue Eye, watch this one to laugh a little. I love this movie. It is a kind-of continuation of Knives Out. Think Agatha Christie, but modern. Love!
Until next week, take care of you, and Happy Hunting.
B.A. Burgess
Ready to start writing? Check out my writing courses for regular people, and join over 6,000 writers writing together👇
🧸 How to Write a Children’s Book