Hello friends,
The weeks have been flying by as I’ve gotten busier and busier, which means it is time for me to unbusy myself.
I don’t remember July. That’s how busy I’ve been. I’m not telling you this to show you my imaginary badge-of-busyness honor. I’m telling you this because you probably blinked and noticed it’s nearing the end of August as well.
So let’s slow down together. Let’s be productive instead of busy. I’ve made a post-it for myself that says
This is NOT important: number of followers, recognition, notoriety; This is what IS important: being useful, having experiences, sharing those experiences
I get paralyzed by trying to be successful by other people’s standards, often confusing them for my own. That’s what leads to this busy feeling. When I am productive, I accomplish more, marking things off my list, not someone else’s.
So, it’s a new week. Let’s be less busy and more intentional, more alive.
Now, here’s a list of somewhat exciting things:
📝A List of Interesting Things
🔗A Note About Links - I’m no longer an Amazon affiliate, so when you see links to Amazon pages, please note I’ve added that link because I either a) used it myself and was pleased, or b) thought this was the easiest way you could get to whatever I was sharing.
📸Meike 35mm F1.7 Manual - I got a new lense for my camera. This lens is fully manual, so there’s no autofocus. It’s been making me pause and look at the composition of my photos a lot more. Here are a few of my first shots with it -

If you are interested in photography by the by, I keep a random diary of my photography and experiences in photography here.
📖Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros - I read a lot, but Carell reads like breathing. She devours books, unlike any other human I’ve ever met. Her Kindle is littered with romance novels of various lengths and categories. It is because of her exclusive taste in “smut,” as she calls it that she never recommended a book to me…until last week.
She came to my desk and said, “I have a book for you. It’s a kissing book, but there are dragons, magic, and excellent world-building.” I had an Audible credit, so I said, “Show me what you got.”
Friends, I do not understand the power this book has over my attention. This writer is the real deal. She does this amazing thing by giving details about the world via dialogue, so you are met with dry text about the history of the warring peoples.
Is it trope-y? Yes, 100 percent. Can you predict some of the things that are going to happen? Yes, but somehow, the writer keeps you on the edge of your seating, needing to see it through.
I like it. It is different from my usual reads, but I’m into it! Check out the description and reviews on Goodreads, and see what you think.
📣 Shout to June H. on Skillshare for using the How to Write a Children’s Book in 7 Days or Less course for a homeschooling activity! June, I hope I didn’t swear in that one! 😅 Good luck and happy writing!
Until next time, friends,
B.A. Burgess