No. 35 - Numbering My Posts
For the last few years, I've been planning my personal log like it was a business. I tried to plan each post strategically, set up templates, and create schedules.
All of this goes completely against what I tell myself and tell others this particular blog is about-which is nothing. This whole blog, which I have kept off and on for many years, is supposed to be the opposite of everything I do online for business purposes.
The Numbering Bit
I started numbering my newsletter post at some point, and I like how the title looks, so I'm going to keep numbering my post. But going forward, I'm just going to number them all.
A part of my brain wants me to go back and add numbers to every single post I've ever made on this site, but I'm not going to do that. I'm just gonna start where I left off.
So there's something for you to look forward to: numbered posts.