What is "Fernando Learns About Asking" About?
In this book, Fernando is bored and wants to do fun things with his friends who live in and around the house.
As he visits Fly, Mouse, Bird, and Baby, he finds that he has upset his friends by interrupting all of their plans. But, why?
As you have probably guessed, Fernando has inserted himself into his friends’ activities without properly asking.
Thankfully, Fernando figures out his mistakes and makes things right with his friends. After a swift apology, Fernando and his friends are ready to play.
Social Protocol
I didn’t set out to write books about social protocol. The idea was simple: There is a cute little cat that keeps missing the mark just a little bit when it comes to social interactions.
Before I knew it, I had a book about the importance of asking permission, the benefits of helping one another (Fernando Learns About Helping), the gift of sharing (Fernando Learns About Sharing), and the joy of having friends that are not exactly like you (An Eartha & Audi Story).
Children learn a lot from their early literature, and I do hope that these books and all of the children’s books to come to influence them and educate them on the benefits of helping the community.
If one small reader learns a little more about kindness and thoughtfulness from our books, then I’ll consider it time well spent.
Originally published on November 24, 2018.